Utique, Bizerte, Tunisia (October 22, 2018) – The main diseases encountered during this growing season other fire blight are the Carpocapse and to a lesser degree the Psyllid. The damage caused this year by the larva of Cydia pomonella is very remarkable on fruit. This year’s treatment program includes a wide range of insecticides, fungicides and preventive winter treatments.
The study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of ferti-activator Sanbio PLANTA on yield, fruit caliber, diameter, and length of fruits. The pear trees are attacked by fireblight strongly.
The test solution of SANBIO PLANTA was applied directly to the ground at the foot of the tree with a single dosage of 1.5 kg/500L water/hectare. The first application was made on April 6, 2018 during early growth stage. There were 14 days between two applications. The third and final application was made on May 09, 2018 at fruit enlargement. Fruit samples were collected on July 19, 2018 at commercial maturity from trees in the middle of the line , eveitating the trees at the end. For this season, the fruits are brought to full maturity (myphysiological turity) towards the end July.

Photo 1: Early blooming trees (Utique on 11.04.2018)

Photo 2: Fireblight attacked trees (Utique 03.08.2018)

Photo 3 : 1st application of Sanbio PLANTA
(Utique 06.04.2018)

Photo 4 : 3rrd application of Sanbio PLANTA
(Utique 09.05.2018)
2. Fruit caliber
Trees treated with Sanbio PLANTA produced larger fruit (Figure 1). In T0 (untreated lot) the size of the fruits reached 86 mm while in T1 (treated lot) the fruit measured on average 92 mm. Sanbio PLANTA has shown a highly significant effect especially on pear length.

Fig. 1. Effect of Sanbio PLANTA on the weight (g) and caliber (mm) of the fruit at harvest
Fresh harvest weight was increased from 168 g to 188 g on average, affecting yield per tree per hectare. The long growth of the fruit is the result of lengthening and cell division during development. Sanbio PLANTA is indicated as a biocatalytic stimulator of the plant’s vital functions, thus intervening in improving the size of the fruit.

Photo 5: Early ripening fruit of a tree witness (T0),
(Utique 19.07.2018)

Photo 6: Early ripening fruit of a tree treated with SANBIO PLANTA (T1),
(Utique 19.07.2018)
2. Yield per tree
The average yield per tree was 39.9 kg in control trees. In trees treated by Sanbio PLANTA achieved yield of 60.2 kg. A marked improvement in a tree production was achieved as a result of the application of Sanbio PLANTA (Figure 2). A gain of 20 kg/tree was achieved. Since Sanbio PLANTA supports metabolism (transport, assimilation, photosynthesis, …) and improves productivity. The ground application of Sanbio PLANTA has increased tree production in pear trees grown, variety the ‘Williams‘ , in the north-east of the country.
3. Yield per hectare
Yield per hectare was increased from 45.6 tonnes in control trees (T0) to 68.7 tonnes in treated trees (T1) (Figure 2). Thanks to the application of Sanbio PLANTA a gain of 23 tons was achieved.

Fig. 2. Yield per tree (kg) and per hectare (Tonnes) in treated trees (T1 – treated) compared to control (T0 – untreated)
The use of Sanbio PLANTA as an organic-mineral ferti-activator, applied 3 times at the foot of the tree, showed a beneficial effect on the pears caliber, resulting in a marked improvement in yield per tree per hectare. A gain of 23 tonnes/ha, respectively +50%, was possible due to the application of the product.
Sanbio PLANTA also had shown an effect on the organoleptic quality of the fruit by reducing the acidity of the juice at harvest.
The use of Sanbio PLANTA is recommended for fruit trees which are at risk of being infected with fireblight or which have already broken out. Sanbio PLANTA can support a possible treatment, improve the resistance of trees and saves the harvest.