This project is being carried out within the collaboration between the Belgorod State Agricultural University named after V. Gorin (BSAU named after V.Gorin) – Russia, GEOCON WEST – Russia and SANBOS GmbH – Germany.
1. Materials and methods
During the 90-day-feeding period 90 fatteneing pigs were assigned to treatments without and with supplementation of Sanbio SANA.
The trial was run without adverse technical events (e.g. power failure, feed/water failures, etc.).
Table 1. Data
Treatment |
Control |
Result |
Supplementation of feed additive Sanbio SANA |
– |
2 kg per 1000 kg feed (0.2%) |
Start of trial |
2015-06-20 |
End of trial |
2015-09-18 |
Breeding days |
d |
90 |
No of piglets at start |
Pc |
59 |
60 |
No of piglets at end |
Pc |
58 |
59 |
Losses |
Pc |
1 |
1 |
Mortality |
% |
1.7 |
1.7 |
Body weight at start |
kg |
29.7 |
32.4 |
Body weight at end |
Kg |
93.1 |
100.3 |
Body weight gain per pig |
Kg |
63.4 |
67.9 |
+4.5kg +7.1% |
Daily gain per pig |
g/d |
704 |
754 |
+50g/d +7.1% |
Feed intake |
kg |
238.38 |
234.25 |
-4.13kg -1.76% |
Feed conversion rate FCR |
kg/kg |
3.76 |
3.45 |
-0.31 -8.3% |
Table 2. Effects on offal
Treatment | Unit | Control | SANBIO | Results |
Heart | g | 235 | 312.5 | +32.9% |
Liver | g | 1,435 | 1,685 | +17.4% |
Lung | g | 735 | 975 | +32.6% |
Kidney | g | 295 | 323.7 | +9.7% |
Melt | g | 132.5 | 175 | +32.0% |
Stomach | g | 40.,5 | 462.5 | +14.9% |
2. Results

Figure 1. Productive performance (%)

Figure 2. Effects on offal (g)
3. Conclusion
To summarize, the present study shows significantly positive effects of Sanbio SANA on productive performance and offal yield.
The positive effects at a glance:
- Safety and tolerance when used dietary additions
- Increase of daily weight gain (+50g/d, +7.1%)
- Reduction of feed intake (4.13kg, -1.76%)
- Improvement of FCR (-0.31, -8.3%)
- Increase of offal yield and quality.